The Bible records the long, post-fall struggle between believers and the tyranny of sin. Oftentimes that tyranny takes the form of hostile governing authorities. Even theocratic Israel under human kings would have a propensity towards injustice. Remember what God told the prophet Samuel?

So, how is the Christian to relate to Caesar when Caesar is schizophrenically equal parts secular and pagan? What principles can we find in the Bible? Does one size fit all? Despite the bluster often found in online echo chambers, the rubber has to meet the road in actual circumstances--not the over realized eschatology of the vivid theo-brosical  imagination. But whatever the circumstances, God has spoken unequivocally in His Word.

What saith the Lord?

Are we to embrace the imperial suck as Daniel did under Nebuchadnezzar? Was the Apostle Paul wrong to actively avail himself of his rights as a Roman citizen? What can American Christians do as the culture crumbles all around them while governing authorities cheerlead on the sidelines?

Gird your loins for a fiery, but mostly peaceful episode on Political Biblicism!