Welcome, once again, to Urban Puritano!

On today's episode, we scratch the surface on a classic allegory of the Christian life according to good ol' fashioned classical Calvinism: The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan.

Charles Spurgeon once said of Bunyan, "...his very soul was saturated with Scripture...he cannot give us his Pilgrim's Progress...without continually making us feel and say, 'Why, this man is a living Bible!' Prick him anywhere--his blood is Bibline, the very essence of the Bible flows from him."

The edition I'll be working with is the Young Reader's Christian Library published by Barbour Publishing. It's a small, illustrated abridgement that I probably picked up at Half Price Books some time ago. I supplemented the reading with an assist from The Pictorial Pilgrim's Progress from Moody Publishers for the ending scene.

Gird your loins and stay tuned for an educational, edifying, and encouraging episode that can serve as a springboard for you to explore other unabridged editions of this important and delightful book of unadulterated Calvinism.