On today's episode of Urban Puritano, we begin the first of many explorations in expository preaching. In Español. My homiletical approach is eclectic. Broadus-Robinson. Greidanus-Chappell. Beeke-Bunyun. Subject-Complement, Big Idea, Fallen Condition Focus, Propositional, Experiential, Reformed, and hopefully, I privilege the text. What text you may ask? Hebrews 3:12-19.
Stay tuned for a message called, "Great Danger of Unbelief."
I. Introduction 
   A. Secular Point
   B. Personal Point
   C. Biblical Point w/brief background of passage
   D. Subject Stated w/ Hebrews 3:12-19 Read
   E. Prayer
II. Body of Sermon
   A. First Danger of Unbelief Stated: The Danger of Walking Away From the Living God
       1. Your Heart is the Heart of the Matter
       2. Unbelief is a Sin That Foments Other Sins
   B. Transition Question: How Can We Combat Unbelief?
       1. Harden Not Your Hearts
       2. Hear the Voice of Jesus in His Word
       3. Faith Comes By Hearing and Hearing By the Word of God
   C. Uses/Application
       1. A Word of Comfort- The Qualities of Saving Faith
       2.A Word of Comfort Cont'd - Personal Appeal
III. Conclusion-Summary and Final Statement