Both scholars and laymen can by the same means arrive at the answer to how a holy and just God can bless rebellious, sinful mankind with salvation. As it was before for shepherds, warriors, royalty, and fisherman; as it continued to be for monks, maidens, lawyers, and tinkers; so the Bible’s message continues to be now — sufficiently “clear and evident” to all who would apply “a due use of the ordinary means.”

On this edition of Urban Puritano, we scratch the surface on the topic of Biblical Interpretation According to Calvinism. What are the contours of a Reformed reading of Holy Scripture?

I. Intro - Calvinism approaches Holy Scripture as the absolute word of the absolute God.
II. What is Interpretation? 2:54
III.Why is Interpretation Necessary? 4:55
IV. Going Forward 8:43
V. The Posture of Calvinism 10:17
VI. Underlying Assumptions and Starting Points 13:42
VII. Suggested Reading Strategies for Understanding Scripture 35:48
VII. Conclusion - Take up and read your Bible! 41:08