There once was a pastor from Scotland
Whose name was Begg, not McLachlan
Out of no where one day
To old ladies he’d say
Bring gifts and attend that transgender function.

Well, despite my attempt at capturing one particular example of doctrinal and pastoral decay in American Evangelicalism, am I really that far off? Poetically, yes. Actually, no.

Allow me to extend podcast hospitality to two guests in discussing their article and their mention of the now infamous case of Alistair Begg's advice to a troubled soul concerning participation in a transgender wedding mirage ceremony. Pastor Brandon Myers and Scott Polender.

What can be assessed based on the known facts? Is theological triage applicable here? Should ministers circle the wagons around Begg's ministry and counsel? Has Scripture been faithfully interpreted and applied? Is repentance by those who disagree with Begg in order or does Begg need to repent for the way he handled Scripture and this counsel to a troubled conscience?   

Read the article that first shined the light on this and other symptoms of doctrinal decay:
The Desperate Decay of Doctrine in American Evangelicalism - American Reformer