Tanisha J. Hope, pen name TJ Hope, was born in Newark, New Jersey but was raised and resides in Fort Lauderdale, Florida with her two sons. She attended Dillard School of the Arts where she studied screenplay writing, singing and acting. She enjoys writing lyrics, poems and novels. Life took an unexpected turn for her and during the lowest point in her life, she rediscovered her true emotions and creativity, and her debut novel was born. She has a Degree in Computer Network Engineering, and currently works as an IT Specialist and Internet Manager for a new car dealership. Yet, her first love and passion lies within her writing. She has humble beginnings and lived first hand in the perilous, poverty stricken neighborhoods and surroundings depicted in her writing. Her writing engrosses you, tugs at your heart’s strings and then inspires you.

Best regards,

T.J. Hope

Urban Author & Poet

