Over 4 Sunday afternoons, Dr. Hun Lye will help you learn the basics of meditation as practiced and taught by the historical Buddha. Citta-bhāvana or the development or cultivation of the heart-mind lies at the core of Buddha’s way of meditating. It is an easy and natural method that works simultaneously with practices of openness […]

Over 4 Sunday afternoons, Dr. Hun Lye will help you learn the

basics of meditation as practiced and taught by the historical Buddha.

Citta-bhāvana or the development or cultivation of the heart-mind lies at the

core of Buddha’s way of meditating. It is an easy and natural method that works

simultaneously with practices of openness of heart (dana/generosity) and

non-harming (shila/ethics).


Urban Dharma NC is a public Buddhist center in western North

Carolina that emphasizes integrating rather than compartmentalizing, engaging

rather than retreating, communing rather than isolating. Our mission is to

foster a deeper understanding of the teachings of the Buddha, build meaningful

community, and integrate contemplative teachings into everyday, ordinary life.

If you would like to support Urban Dharma NC, please visit

http://www.UDharmaNC.com today to donate or become a Sustaining Member of the

Urban Dharma community. Thanks for listening!
