Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche Urban Dharma NC “Generating the Bodhi Mind”—the supreme resolve to attain full awakening for the benefit of all beings—is the formal commitment to living altruistically from this lifetime and into all future lifetimes. It is thus a most profound moment in one’s journey to full awakening, to the state of buddha. The […]

Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche
Urban Dharma NC

“Generating the Bodhi Mind”—the supreme resolve to attain full awakening for the benefit of all beings—is the formal commitment to living altruistically from this lifetime and into all future lifetimes. It is thus a most profound moment in one’s journey to full awakening, to the state of buddha. The Drikung Kagyu Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism in particular has a unique and uncommon tradition of bestowing the relative and ultimate aspects of the Bodhi Mind in a deeply moving and profound 2-day ceremony known as the “Drikung Thuk-kyed Chenmo” (“The Great Drikung Generation of the Noble Mind”), rarely offered in the West. In this series, Khenchen Rinpoché will share with us his own experience and realization of the Bodhi Mind (bodhicitta) while bestowing the Bodhisattva Vow in the distinct tradition of Drikung Kagyu.