“After more than one hundred years of effort on Urantia, Adam was able to see very little progress outside the Garden; the world at large did not seem to be improving much. The realization of race betterment appeared to be a long way off, and the situation seemed so desperate as to demand something for relief not embraced in the original plans.” (Pg. 839.1) [75:0.1]

Urantia Speaks is a new, original format, and virtual assembly of Urantia Book participates, in a circle of fellowship we are gathered in the deep study of this spiritual revelatory masterpiece, joined in a shared experience of loving ministry, contemplative reciting, and the higher cosmic learning of the sublime teachings of the Urantia Papers, with host Nadi Burton. 

Questions-comments: [email protected]~Music/Nadi's Blog on Divine Love: www.nadi-om.com~Visit Facebook/Urantia Speaks for weekly Urantia Book excerpts. All Urantia Speaks episodes are archived @ nadum.podbean.com