Andrew Stallings is the Founder of Athelo Group an athlete representation service that focuses on marketing and building a brand for athletes.

Having spent the past 10 years in the sports industry working for the likes of Octagon and Sirius XM, Andrew has accumulated a ton of valuable experience. Even better is that he has taken his skillset to new heights by leaving some comfortable jobs to start his own business in Athelo.

I’ve known Andrew since our time together at Sirius XM and his hustle was always evident. There are few people as talented and energetic as Andrew. On the pod he discusses how that wasn’t enough and what helped him get over the top both personally and professionally.

Andrew details his business, the risks that he took to start it and how his mindset has completely shifted over the past 10 years. He also goes in depth on what his business can provide and how valuable branding is in today’s world.

We also touch on Andrew’s Stranger Experiment that has brought so many professionals together from varying backgrounds in the sports industry. Having participated this past month, I can tell you it’s an amazing way to connect with people and learn about avenues you don’t even know exist.

Follow Andrew on Twitter to learn more about the #strangerexperiment and to connect with him:

Also check out his website for Athelo Group:

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