Justin Carey is one of my former athletes who is now an assistant soccer coach at Stetson University. Justin's leadership, ability and desire to improve in all aspects of his life is what makes him special and I am thrilled to bring him on the podcast to interview me.

While I typically interview others on the podcast, I wanted to share some thoughts of my own, but have always preferred doing so in the context of a conversation rather than just me going in on a topic solo. Considering I have been doing a lot of self-reflection of late, I thought it would be good to bring on an athlete I coached to help get a feel for how others perceive me and to practice explaining myself to those who possess an athlete's mindset.

What resulted was a terrific conversation. Justin asked some great questions pertaining to my environmental considerations for training, building culture, individualizing connections with athletes and how I have evolved in my thought process as a coach the past few years. We also talked about setting goals, unearthing passions and choosing to pursue excellence. Such a fun convo and props to Justin who may be coming for my hosting gig at some point with the job he did here.

You can find Justin on IG: https://www.instagram.com/justin_carey15/