Lorenzo Alexander played in the NFL for 15 seasons on six different teams. He played defensive tackle, defensive end, inside and outside linebacker, offensive line, tight end, fullback and was a special teams ace. He made the Pro Bowl as a member of the Buffalo Bills and retired after the 2019-20 season. Truly, no one has had a career quite like Zo's and so I knew getting him on to share his insights would be incredible.

On the pod, we discussed Lorenzo's ability to adapt in a league that has changed significantly since he entered it. His approach to training, his willingness to open himself up to support, and how his mindset changed through his career are really what sets him apart.  We talked about the importance of building trust between coaches and players, how players respond to different coaching strategies and individualizing an approach to the needs of the athlete in front of us. Lorenzo is also embarking on his own coaching journey as he is working on his EXOS Performance Specialist certification and I can't wait to see the impact he will continue to make on athletes everywhere.

Lorenzo can be found on the following social media platforms:

IG: @lorenzo_john
Twitter: @onemangang97

Lorenzo is also starting a podcast, The Lo-Down so be on the lookout for that. In addition, you can support his ACES Foundation where he works with high school athletes to better prepare them for the next level.