In today’s episode, we’re talking about how to attract more of what is truly in alignment in order to fulfill your unique purpose.   It's a common misconception that our minds make decisions and give our lives direction.  However, the wisdom of Human Design teaches us that  our body that is the vehicle in which we experience life and the G-center is the driver that gives the vehicle direction.  The mind is simply the passenger- it's role is to simply observe the view.  In this episode, you will learn the 8 gates in the G center so you can calibrate your energetic monopole to attract what you need to be supported in fulfilling your soul’s purpose. 


The purpose and role of the G-center Assumptions that you need to remember when working with the Abundance KeysThe 8 gates of the G-center and their connection to abundance The difference between defined and undefined gates in the G-center How to calibrate your energetic monopole by embodying the highest frequency of the G-center 

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