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In today’s episode, my guest is Alice Little. Alice is considered as America's most successful legal sex worker. She believes that sex work can be not merely a physical experience, but also one of greater intimacy and connection.

We also talk about the biggest misconceptions about sex workers and people who hire her. Alice is a native of Ireland who now lives in Nevada and the number one luxury companion at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch. She is also a passionate advocate for sex education and sex workers' rights.


The importance of being educated in sexual aspects and dismantling misconceptions around sexThe process and requirements to becoming a legal sex worker and a BDSM presenterPractical tips in discovering your own worth and negotiating your rates and pricesSetting boundaries and limitations as a sex worker as well as with your clientsBreaking the misconceptions and dismantling the stereotypes of being a legal sex workerThe real effects about the stigma that surround involving illegal sex work

If you would like to know more about Alice, you can visit her website and through on Twitter

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