Have you considered adding a short-term rental to your income portfolio but haven't because you're worried about needing certain skill sets? Or you haven't because you're worried that you'd be too busy to make it work?

If so, take a listen because today's episode is for you!

Today, I unpack the top 3 reasons why a short-term rental is a perfect investment for busy professionals like you.

Resources I mentioned in today's episode:


And if you're ready to step forward and add this incredible revenue stream to your portfolio, congratulations!

I've created a roadmap just for you... It's called The 6-Figure Vacation Rental Roadmap: How to Find, Furnish, and Fill a Profitable Short-Term Rental

Visit ginnytownsend.com/rental today to grab your copy of this program today!

Thanks again for joining me. And until next time, continue to be up and to the right.