What is a Movement Snack? A movement snack, as I define it, is a brief bout of movement ​​that is both efficient and easy to perform, done on a regular basis throughout the day (rather than solely relying on one dedicated workout).

Yes, I am suggesting that you simply get up and move occasionally to create a more active lifestyle!

Now you may be saying, “Come on Brock. Can short bursts of exercise sprinkled across your day allow you to achieve your goal of living a more active lifestyle?” Well, don’t just take my word for it - Science says it does!

Which is great news for those of you who don't enjoy (or maybe even hate) exercise. Because, I suspect those people feel that way because they have it in their heads that exercise needs to happen at a specific time, in a specific setting, in a specific outfit, and usually involves willpower and struggle to get it done. If that describes you, not only do I beg you to rethink and reconsider what exercise really is but I also want you to pay double attention to what I am going to say:

Any movement - ANY movement - that raises your heart rate (a little or a lot), challenges your muscles (a little or a lot), and teases your balance and mobility (a little or a lot) is exercise. And if done consistently, can help you achieve these wonderful benefits.There is no need to get a gym membership, buy spandex clothing, or swallow your exercise time like yucky medicine.

Find Brock's morning movement routine at: BrockArmstrong.com/morning

Don't forget to check out my YouTube videos at BrockArmstrong.com/YouTube