This show puts the V in Variety, The M in Mental Health, and The func in dysfunction. Paul Gilmartin is open, honest and and real about his feelings, deperession and the work with his great show The Mental Illness Happy Hour. You'll hear how doing a show about unedited subjects like mental illness and mental health, have helped him and so many others. And a visit from a talented actor Tom Dimenna who has a show wher he plays Telly Savalas.  There's no one who puts the self in self help like Telly. Plus, music by Ginger Smith & Kahlill Sabbagh, a married couple who refuse to let raising a young family stop them from performing, writing music and being the true artists they are. A great emotional roller coaster ride of a show!

check out Paul Gilmartin's show here

check out Tom Dimenna's show "who loves ya baby" here

check out Ginger Smith & Kahlill Sabbagh here as part of Brother Derek Blues Band