Roo Benjamin talks about how he is becoming a writer, how creativity works and how he is choosing his own niche. Roo Benjamin is a writer, friend, teacher, and coach. He is interested in nature, education, creativity, spirituality, ethics, personal growth

“If you don't know where you are, where your starting point, you could get horribly lost.”

“I believe that it’s powerful to live in an integrated life, a whole life”

“Let the path reveal your own niche”

Useful links:

Roo Benjamin Medium 

RooBenji Twitter  

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Up Your Creative Genius  


[07:35] One of the questions was do I write with my birth name or a pen name

[09:21] Becoming Roo Benjamin. Committing to publishing.

[10:20] Checking inwardly for alignment

[12:21] Getting validation from readers

[13:50] Draw your future process

[14:30] 3 bold steps

[16:55] How to figure out your purpose

[19:57] Practical steps to take when you pivot

[21:50] Becoming a transformative writer

[22:50] The litmus test of the type of content to create

[23:40] Writing for SEO and having an AI writing tool

[25:29] Importance of asking why

[26:45] Does it matter how many people you reach or is it a matter of quality?

Patti Dobrowolski 0:03

Hello superstars, welcome to the up your creative genius podcast where you will gain insight and tips to stomp on the accelerator and blast off to transform your business and your life. I'm your host, Patty Dobrowolski. And if this is your first time tuning in, then strap in because this is serious rocket fuel. Each week, I interview fellow creative geniuses to help you learn how easy it is to up your creative genius in any part of your life.

Patti Dobrowolski 0:39

Hey, everybody, it's Patti Dobrowolski. With Up Your Creative Genius, thank you so much for tuning into today's podcast. Because I have the most amazing person here, Roo Benjamin is here as the author. He is one of the most amazing creative geniuses I've ever met. I've done workshops with him. I have had incredible conversations with him. And we're going to have one with him today. I can't wait for him to tell us all about the journey he's been on because, you know, he's dialing in from Australia. So how's it going Roo? Tell us all about it. What's new?

Roo Benjamin 1:19

I love it. This is just a blast. I am so excited to be here to have this conversation. Because this is the very first interview that I'm doing as Roo. And so I'm like a new person. I reinvented myself. I totally just reinvented myself.

Patti Dobrowolski 1:37

You've reinvented yourself since I saw you in Fort Worth.

Roo Benjamin 1:41

Yes. Well, yes, that's correct. And actually, the reinvention was in a bizarre kind of unexpected way, created out of map that we did together the drawing. And I want to tell you about that. And it's all kind of happened at this, like lightning speeds that I kind of didn't expect. But here I am. Here, I am.

Patti Dobrowolski 1:41

Roo, here you are. And so tell our listeners a little bit about yourself, and how you evolved into this because you really are a change master. I mean, that's what I've seen, evolve and change over time. So now you're changed into this whole author, persona, and I can't wait to hear about it. So tell me, how did you get out making that change?

Roo Benjamin 2:32

Okay, so look, thank you, that's very kind. And I do actually just love the process of reinvention and transformation. I just think it's a cool thing. And I think it's like, it's just a great opportunity that we have to continually reinvent ourselves in life. And so how it came about actually was one of my great loves in life, outside of like personal growth and transformation. And I've actually spent a good 20 years in the change making space like social change, making that kind of thing works for a lot of nonprofits. But one of my most enduring loves has been writing, you know, it's writing has been the way in which I make sense of the world. I've been a journalist, since I've been about 16. I've recorded by dreams since my early 20s. I've kind of like I've written articles and stories and my default, it's almost like a spiritual practice actually funded by default things that I always go to is writing. And I've kind of had so many friends over the years say to me, Benny, you need to write. And so I just gave you a hint that Benny is like my previous identity.

Roo Benjamin 3:35

But anyways, I encouraged to ride and you should be an author, you should do this. But like, Okay, I'm not really sure about how I go about making that happen, you know, as professionally. So I had a transition. I was living in the US for a while. And I had a transition coming up earlier this year, a few months ago, where I was moving back to Australia. Very exciting. And one of the things that I did prior to coming was visit Patti in Texas. And while I've been I've done the drawing up your creative genius process, I guess I first met you, Patti, what, 10 or 12 years ago, yes, first time I ever did that in a workshop. And it's actually one of the things like, I've often drawn my own future, where I've got a little template there and I sit down if I'm stuck on something, I'll draw it out because something about the drawing helps me tap into a part of my self knowing that writing doesn't. But the cool thing was going into this transition, I had the opportunity to come and see you stay with you. And you offered to map my future. And I said to you at the time because I really didn't know what I wanted to do. I said let's focus in on the writing because that is something that's kind of like my blind spot. That's the areas of my life that I want to kind of put attention on creatively. But I really just don't know how to go about that and I don't really know how to like fully flesh it out. And so I knew that if I didn't do this, if I didn't do the process of really getting specific and getting into the minutiae of the vision, I would easily default to the things I've always thought. Right. And so yeah, we do. That's what humans do.

Patti Dobrowolski 5:20

Actually, I remember you in that session, talking about that you could. You felt yourself getting pulled back to that past, right. And people were making offers to you run that place. Right. Wait, wait, you can't go back there. Don't go back.

Roo Benjamin 5:39

Oh, right. Right. Totally, you know, and yeah. And so I was conscious of that, I did the map. And I looked at the map. And it was like, it was very exciting. And it was something that was like, beyond what I had ever dreamt of, in a way before. And I really didn't know how to make it happen. So you sent me the digital copy, I put it on my desktop. And so it's there. And whenever I load on my computer in the morning, it's there, I can see the map, and I can kind of connect in with it. Now interestingly, just to kind of condense a little bit of the story, here, you are, right, I started to get offers and things in alignment with what my old life would have been, right until I make it back to Australia. And it was really cool, like a very short time. Although I hadn't kind of anticipated it, I started to get these opportunities come up. And the old self was actually getting excited. And I would start to like all set up letters like yes, and this is what we can do together. And then interestingly, so I was sitting in the state of excitement, the old self. And then one by one, within a couple of weeks, these opportunities, even though they'd opened up and started to close down. Yeah. And I was like, Oh, that's really intriguing. Like, I've had my challenges in life and ran different domains and areas of my life. But work has never been one of them. I've always walked into jobs, it's just been one of those things have been really easy for me. And for the first time, I got rejections. And I, wow, wow, this is really interesting.

Patti Dobrowolski 7:09

So you're at in trying to open those doors into the old you, like life? Yes, boom, boom, boom, shut those doors for you. And I think, for people, when they're thinking about making change, they often this is what we do, you know, our amygdala wants us to be safe. So we go back to links that we know. And there you are finding yourself in that. All right, well, then those doors closed. And then then what?

Roo Benjamin 7:35

Oh, well, so I'd already been contemplating on this idea of writing. But I was really stuck on how to go about it. And one of my questions was, do I write according to my birth name? Or do I write according to a pen name? Now, interestingly, about eight years ago, I had a dream. And in the dream, I was given, like, this spiritual guide came to me and gave me this name that I could write on. Oh, wow. I know, it's like that, okay. And I just filed it away, I write in my journal, like, okay, that's interesting. I never thought that I would actually do anything with it. So a couple of months ago, a good day, a friend of mine, who is a very successful author, and come to me randomly and said, any tips for you? I think you should write. And I think you should write under a pen name. And I thought, No, no, no, no, there's I'm all about integrity. I'm all about putting my true self forward. And it's like, it seemed like I'd be splitting myself off. And I was like, No, but then as I sat with it, I was like, actually isn't super exciting. And it gave me a sense of freedom to write whatever, I wanted to write a permission, where I didn't have to be tied to the thoughts or the opinions of people around my old circle, you know, what they would maybe expect me to write about, or, because I've worked in a very public role, in a sense over the years in different organizations, and my name has been tied to that my birth name. And it's like, No, I want the freedom to write about, about different things, you know, and really express myself in different ways. Wow. Anyway, I am here, cool. You're Roo Benjamin.

Roo Benjamin 9:21

you're through Benjamin. So it's after the name off, and I'm like, I'm still uncomfortable with it. And I kept checking in inwardly, like, do I do this? Do I do this. And the resistance wasn't to the name, or even to the thing of doing it. It was just a fear, a fear of stepping into the new self. And so then it coincided with I have a really dear friend here and she happened to wander writers. And so she said, hey, let's start a little writing group. It's just the two of us. Once a week, we go to a cafe, we take our laptops and we write. At the end of our writing session, we share what each other's done and we offer a little bit of You back until very loving this may really be a friend. And then our goal is by the end of the week to publish an article. Yeah. And so we've done that I've published four articles now. So this by really early on.

Patti Dobrowolski 10:12

Okay, so I love that. And so I want to go back here because you said something you said, I checked inwardly. So how did you do that? I mean, how are you talking about using your intuition? You talking about sitting down getting quiet, meditating? How do you know in the change? Yes, Benny? What's you and what's ego? How do you differentiate that?

Roo Benjamin 10:35

That is a great question. And it's all of the above, like, it is the contemplation, the meditation, so to speak, like, you kind of go, like I close my eyes, I go in, and I've checked with him. And gosh, I went and saw like, I have a kinesiologists, who I see which helps with the muscle testing. So it helps get beyond the subconscious patterns, and you know, what's blocking me, and actually, she helped identify, there is no block around the name, you know, all it was, here's the key way to know what is soul or the true self or the inner self, however you want to talk about it. And the ego, soul does not know fear. And so the fear in me that didn't want to take the step was simply the ego getting in the way tripping me up.

Roo Benjamin 11:19

And when I recognized that, it was like, I actually when I posted my first article, and set up my account to publish as Roo Benjamin, I actually, truthfully still didn't know whether this was right. And in some ways, I probably still carry some doubt. But I did it anyway. And that's the key. It's like, Okay, I'm going to do this, you know, if I decide a week in two weeks, in a year, it doesn't even matter if I decide all I made the wrong decision, I shouldn't be doing it as this name, I shouldn't do be doing this identity, I can change it. There are no missing undoable mistakes, if you're like, when it comes to the creative self, like I like to just, you know, you can just like, if in doubt, don't stuff about just go ahead and do it, you can always make a new vision of the future. So I just did it. I published the article, we published it. So I'm writing on medium. Okay, so on Twitter as well, but it's fine. I'll send you a link later.

Roo Benjamin 11:33

But you know, so far, I've written four articles. And interestingly it coincided with a writing competition that medium was offering around, you know, that give you some word prompts, different topics, that was really cool, because like, I had a couple of really cool stories, cool stories in the sense that they meant something to me. And I just got in, and I wrote, and I wrote, and I was like, I was really happy with what I produce. And it's actually got nothing to do with like, you know, am I reaching 1000s of people or anything like that, at this point, it's really just doing it for the love of the doing to the practice of it, getting out there. And here's the cool thing, too. You know, in my old life, in the old self, I would have relied on my old neck, I would have relied on the people who I already knew, you give me feedback, or whatever it is. Everything I've published has been read by people who have no idea who the old soul is. And I've met all of these people, like with the third article, I had some lady in New Zealand reach out and say, Wow, I really love what you wrote, can I put it in my publication?

Patti Dobrowolski 12:16

And so already there's a lot of validation was the validation.

Roo Benjamin 13:23

I know. And then there was like, so one of my articles that story is about, it was called "How to return home in a pandemic." And I wrote about my journey from the US to Australia, and the challenges and you know, the emotional journey of it. And it really resonated with people because people have had that same experience or similar experience of being stuck on the other side of the world during the pandemic, not being able to get home or whatever. So, yeah, look, it's just been a joy and fun process. In large way, I've got the process that we seated in doing the process with you, like that kind of catalyzed the energy and said, You know, I'm going to do this, I'm going to get this to go.

Patti Dobrowolski 14:05

That's fantastic. I just am so happy to hear it. And so if you are just listening, and you're wondering about the process, what process are you talking about? If you're, you know, it's called Draw Your Future, you can watch the TED talk that I gave about it, but it's really you look at where you are, and you capture pictures, you imagine where you want to be a year to five years from today, 20 years from today. And then you figure out the three bold steps you need to take now. Benny, what were the three bold steps on your map? Okay, you don't have to show it. But just say a little bit about what was on that future state and what activated you to do it? You know, what of those steps helped you to do it?

Patti Dobrowolski 14:47

Well, I think before I get to the bold steps, is so powerful to be able to really clearly look at where you are now. I think that is so, so important. Like I've spent a lot of time now. At night out in nature, hiking, that kind of thing. And one of the things I learned very early on about navigation is a navigation isn't just the art of knowing where you're going, it's knowing where you are now. Because if you don't know, your starting point, you can get horribly lost. And so it's actually the connection between those two elements.

Patti Dobrowolski 15:18

That if you don't know where you are, where your starting point, you could get horribly lost, you just said, I love them.

Roo Benjamin 15:26

Yeah. And so that was really powerful. It was also very powerful. And even though to do the future state, and even though the future state definitely had a really strong, writing kind of themes through it, we looked at every aspect of life, and that was powerful. It was like looking at where do I want to be in terms of my my spiritual life, my relationships, health, finances, and it was kind of a very well rounded picture. And it wasn't kind of so narrowly focused on your career on your on the career, right? Because I really do believe that it's powerful to live in integrated life a whole life. And so then when it came to Okay, how do we want to make it happen? This is what these three steps, the first one was discovered my purpose. And it was a little vague, in a sense. And I'll tell you where that came from. The discover my purpose bold step was a recognition that at that point, I still don't know what I want to do, who I want to be, or how the path is going to be unfold, it was actually a recognition that the path and the journey itself is going to reveal that. And even for me as a writer, so I've written across a few different topics, and I do I have a whole spreadsheet of articles, I'm going to ride across a range of different areas, from personality to enneagram, to spirituality, to education, to social change, and ethics, because my interest.

Patti Dobrowolski 16:50

This is just like a little tutorial on if you want to start writing, here's a great way to do it, like come up with all the topics you ever wanted to write about.

Roo Benjamin 16:59

And write. And then I mean, I've done a lot of research to on how writers establish their careers, you kind of let the path reveal your own nice. So I don't know what my nation is going to be yet. I'm just going to allow the process to show me through my audience what resonate. So there are going to be people reading my articles that are going to really love certain content. And then others have to be like, it's interesting of the articles I've written so far. Like one's just got a moment, laugh lab. And it's like, that was really interesting, because I actually personally really liked it, but, then there's another article that really resonated, it's like, oh, okay, that's really intriguing. And so I'm sure over time, both the nice or the interest area is going to reveal itself. And also, according to the jury of future map, my purpose will be revealed. And so I imagined that when I see it, and I understand it, and I know it, I'm going to look at it and go, of course, I've always known that to be true. But it's the process. Right?

Patti Dobrowolski 17:57

Right. Right. What I want to call out curious that you are completely trusting the process that you're in, really, so you're not in a state of fear, you're not worried about, you know, what's gonna happen next, you know, you're not focused on the Almighty, you know, whatever the currency is in Australia, you know, you're really focused on what is your pathway that you're going to walk now. And I love that. And I think this is very important for people who want to make change, you know, we often think that we have to have a job, or we have to have a career, and we have to know what it is. And we cling to the knowledge of the it. And so when we're even drawing our future, it's hard to just put out there the way you want to feel at the end of the day, the qualities you're going to experience, because you want to control that. But what's true is life isn't within our control. Lots of it is not within our control. Yeah, our attitude is in our control. But everything else is subject to change. And just like what happened with you, and so you not knowing your purpose in this new world of you, to me, seems like a valuable tip for everybody listening, you know that if you let it unfold, if you let it evolve, then you get clear on it. You know, if I think of the career changes that I've been through, and you've been through, we haven't really known you know, what the purpose was when we were going there. We didn't start with that place. We started. Just exploration. Yeah. Right. So

Roo Benjamin 19:34

that's actually you know, I think I returned attending later who said you can't write about an experience in your life subjectively from a memoir perspective until 10 years after it's past, it's like it's hindsight delivers this the understanding of. Yes. And so no, maybe just to like a little practical thing that I did going into this time because I think this is actually relevant to people out there, is.

Roo Benjamin 19:35

Firstly, I created a buffer where I said I had enough savings where I don't need to go and work immediately I've got a zone that I can top of time that I can create in and invent, reinvent and do all that. So that was helpful. And in a way, this is the part that I think is relevant to a lot of people out there is COVID, as forced upon, you know, there is this react time in the world where we're forced to be at home with some people have lost their jobs, you know, for whatever reason, we're kind of forced into this position of, you know, reflecting on who are we? why we're here for? and I kind of my intuition says, I'm not going to know for some time, like, this pandemic, is just going to keep playing out for a while. And eventually, it will kind of open up into a new chapter.

Patti Dobrowolski 20:43

I love that. And I think, you know, the other thing I was thinking about is how frugal you were to save that, and that was the other benefit of COVID is that many of us changed our spending habits. Because we couldn't go out and spend I know I did, I had just a pile of money in my savings account that where that would be, you know, zero or close to something. So I love this piece of it, too. It's really transformed our thinking around who we are, what we're doing in the world, and then how we choose to spend our time and our money. Yeah, I think these things are very, very valuable. And I love it, because it's allowed so many people to reflect on, do I really want to keep doing what I've been doing, you could see this in terms of people who don't want aren't going back to work, you know, there's really lack of people wanting to go into some of the service jobs because they realize, Yeah, why? Why do I want to do that, that doesn't really serve me as a person in this universe that I'm living in. So okay, so. So that's what happened in your first bold step. Was there anything else about your map? You want to share any?

Roo Benjamin 21:52

Oh yeah, I don't think so right now, but I do have my other two bold steps. Alright. And so the second one, this is going to sound actually super bold. And, you know, I'll put it out there because it actually wasn't coming from a place of ego. And this is the part process of do drawing of like, it's really coming from deep within you. But the second bold set was I wanted to be a transformative writer. And what I'm means by that.

Patti Dobrowolski 22:19

Yeah, what do you mean, by that?

Roo Benjamin 22:20

It actually just kind of bubbled up like, we were just talking back and forth and trying to get the right word. And then like, it coalesced around this phrase, the transformative writer, and it's like, yeah, that does feel right. So what I meant by that, and I mean, this with full respect to a writer out there, who's doing their thing and wanting to write their own style in their own way, their own audience in their own niche. For me, I wanted to write content that matters. I wanted to write content that really helps people move to a new place in their life. There's a lot of stuff out there on different platforms, where it's like clickbaity, and they just kind of write to try to pull people in. And you kind of ended the end the article in your life there really any substance in that? I don't know, am I really better off having read that? Probably not. And I didn't want to do that. To be honest, you know, I have my spreadsheet of all of the different content areas, or topics and articles I want to write about. Some of those when I really check in is what I do before I write is I do a contemplation, and I check in, is this article really going to help people? Or is this just like, the creative fun part of me that can knows that they could write something and kind of get triggered something or, you know, and I know I can do that. But I don't want to do that. And so it's a really good what litmus test for the kind of content that I want to create?

Patti Dobrowolski 23:42

Yeah, you know, I love that you're talking about this, because there is so much writing out there right now, which is just trying to hook you into into reading more or signing up or joining a class or whatever. And I have myself have been guilty of that at times. And I realized, no, no, no, I can't do that. I don't want to do that. I actually got an AI blog writing, you know, app, right. And I did it. And I sent it to somebody who knows me very well. And I was like, Hey, can you read this and tell me what you're thinking? She's like, I can totally hear that AI voice in there. And I go, Oh, my God use that then. Now. Yeah. And I think part of it is that, you know, we get encouraged to SEO everything right to optimize everything. Right? I find that if I am focused on the SEO part of it, I'm not at all interested in the heart of the article. I have not figured out the balance point of that. So my social media guy, Robert, he'll always be like, I made your whole long list of SEO stuff. And I'm like, yeah, that's, that's, not what I think.

Roo Benjamin 24:46

I really feel that and here, there's different tips. Everyone has an opinion about the best way to approach a writing career. And, you know, one is you got to write, you're gonna write and publish every day. And I could do that. I could write Something and for right, and it doesn't feel right to me, like the articles I've written so far, I write it, and I can write it in a session. And then I spend three or four days, editing it and polishing it and getting it to the best expression that I can get it. And for me, I prefer to write more infrequently. And I mean, writing, you know, publishing every few days, but I prefer to do that and put out something that's of high quality, then I would just build anything

Patti Dobrowolski 25:29

Well, I said to you know, that's what people say, in terms of building a followership, which, really, I think it's interesting, I think this is an interesting time that we're living in. And so as you think about building your writing career, really, because that's what you're doing, you're stepping into this new persona, really, and this is the world that you've stepped into. And I love that because I think of all the persona exercises that I've ever done around things, right. And then I think about Roo Benjamin, and all the persona elements of that person, right? And I think that when you embark on something new in this day and age, you really have to ask yourself, why? Why am I doing this? And you're saying, Why am I writing this article right now? And I would say to myself, why am I posting that on Instagram? You know, that's just the place that you see things? A lot of things happening all the time. And then yeah, what's the value it provides? And look at that at how can you provide something of value? Every time that you're present, then doesn't matter, really.

Patti Dobrowolski 26:06

And you can tell me what you think Roo? Doesn't matter how many people you reach? Or is it the quality of people that you reach? Or how do you feel about that?

Roo Benjamin 26:56

Well, for me, it's about quality. And it's about reaching the right people with the right message, I prefer to have somebody moved by what I'm doing. And at the same time, you know, it is important, if you're making a career out of writing, then you do have reach, and you do have followers, and you do have like an audience. So I think it's actually a dance between both what people are looking for, and also what you can offer them that it's actually how those two kind of worlds come together. But right now, I'm doing it for the joy. And I'm doing it to practice my skills, like I'm refining my voice, and I'm refining my process. And I'm sure in time as I get to know my audience and what resonates. And I'm going to be able to meet them with their questions with answers or content that's going to really help them. So it is it is a relationship between yourself and your audience.

Patti Dobrowolski 27:49

I love this. And I think this is fantastic. I just can't wait to go and get on medium read one of your articles right away. I'm going to do that as soon as we're done. And if people want to follow you, then they would follow Rue Benjamin, that's our own Benjamin at medium. And that's where your articles will be. And then I'll also put Twitter as well.

Patti Dobrowolski 28:14

Roo Benji. Okay, good. That's fantastic. Well, I can't thank you enough for just sharing that whole transformation. I can't wait to see where this goes and how you continue to evolve what you're doing, who you are and what you're writing about. That's just so exciting to me. Well, I always close the podcast by asking, you know, what's one tip that you would give to the audience, to the listeners out there who want to up their creative genius? What's one tip that you would say? How can they up their creative genius?

Roo Benjamin 28:55

You know what it's gonna sound so cliche, like a Nike commercial, but it is just do it. And I'm a big believer in transformation, that it is about micro steps. It's about the little things and the little thing up the little thing, it builds momentum. It's kind of like to use an analogy, I once had someone say this, to me, it's like, you know, you're given a choice at lunch between a salad and a plate of fries. Now, if I choose the salad, I'm more inclined at the next meal to choose something healthy. If I choose to plate of fries, I'm more likely at the next meal to choose something, go down that path, you know, you're unhealthy, right? And it's creativity is like that. It's a lot of little choices. And by doing something creative, I'm then opening myself up to the next creative kind of spark, or whatever it is. It's like I'm saying to the universe, I'm ready. I'm here. I'm wanting to do that. And it's kind of like doing the drawing kind of opened up this possibility by friend calling up, you know, saying you know, want to do this little writing group by publishing the first article getting the feedback and second article, third article, each one's on like a little micro step, you're reaching out to say, hey, do you want to do this kind of interview? I mean, I've been Roo Benji for a couple of weeks. I mean, I am new born baby.

Patti Dobrowolski 30:13

That's hilarious.

Roo Benjamin 30:17

You just gotta like say Yes, a lot. Yeah,

Patti Dobrowolski 30:19

Yeah, you do. I love it. And I love it. Because it really is. You want to create the addiction to the creativity right to the expansion. Create that as your addictive practice, the thing that you explore and open yourself up to I love that that's a fantastic tip, just do it. And so for everybody that's tuning in and listening, you know, if this resonated with you, be sure to send us a note about it. Pass it on to your friends and tune in next week when we're going to be talking more about how you can up your creative genius. I can't thank you enough. Roo Benjamin, this was fantastic to have you out. You're amazing. So I look forward to what's next for you. And until next time, everybody out there, just up your creative genius.

Patti Dobrowolski 31:11

Thanks so much for listening today. Be sure to DM me on instagram your feedback or takeaways from today's episode on up your creative genius. Then join me next week for more rocket fuel. Remember, you are the superstar of your universe and the world needs what you have to bring. So get busy. Get out and up your creative genius. And no matter where you are in the universe, here's some big love from yours truly Patti Dobrowolski and the up your creative genius podcast. That's a wrap!

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