The Grand Canyon and chlorine. A woman who knows things! Another edition of #AltCatholicProgramming. The Top Ten movies that aren't Catholic but might as well be. A witty saint. And a special thanks to Ptrick Coffn. It's a fun return to Up Too Late!
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All hate mail can be directed to hell. Fan mail only at [email protected] will go straight to purgatory.
Twitter: @TheresaZoe
Instagram and Facebook: @TheresaZoeWilliams
Support this podcast on Patreon!
Music composed and performed by Quthbert"

The Grand Canyon and chlorine. A woman who knows things! Another edition of #AltCatholicProgramming. The Top Ten movies that aren't Catholic but might as well be. A witty saint. And a special thanks to P*trick Coff*n. It's a fun return to Up Too Late!

Make sure to leave a review!

All hate mail can be directed to hell. Fan mail only at [email protected] will go straight to purgatory.

Twitter: @TheresaZoe

Instagram and Facebook: @TheresaZoeWilliams

Support this podcast on Patreon!

Music composed and performed by Quthbert"