I am happy to share with you an inspirational interview with a gentleman who embodies the term ‘unwrapping the gift of ADD’. Jay Mandarino is living PROOF that people can unwrap the gift of ADD and Dyslexia. He was in a very difficult situation - where he was failing at school, and couldn’t read - [...]

I am happy to share with you an inspirational interview with a gentleman who embodies the term ‘unwrapping the gift of ADD’. Jay Mandarino is living PROOF that people can unwrap the gift of ADD and Dyslexia. He was in a very difficult situation - where he was failing at school, and couldn’t read - and now he is successful on so many different levels.

Jay and I met at a Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario conference, and immediately respected one another. I asked Jay if he would be willing to be interviewed for the lead up to Unwrapping the Gift of ADD, and he graciously agreed.

In this 32 minute audio interview – you’ll discover:

* How Jay couldn’t read in elementary school, and how his teachers wanted to send him to a halfway house

* How Jay was told that he couldn’t amount to anything more than a gas attendant

* WhyJay got so down that he became suicidal on two different occassions

* Jay now runs 13 companies and his companies earn $24 million per year

* …about success on many levels – not just financial

*How Jay inspires high school students, and provides hope and support to so many through his volunteer work

** Listen to this interview carefully, because you’ll hear specific steps that YOU can do too – to unwrap the gift of ADD.

The amazing part of Jay’s story is that he and his parents DID NOT have a roadmap to follow to ‘unwrap the gift’ - yet they did it so well.

In the coming weeks, Dr. Hallowell and I will be launching the ‘Unwrapping The Gift of ADD’ series, and we’ll be sharing specific and actionable steps that people can take to unwrap the gift of ADD.

And for anyone who thinks that this can’t be done… Just listen to this interview.

It will inspire and move you.

Download Link

To listen, just click on the ‘plus sign’.

Enjoy this interview, and after you listen – please share your comments below.

Dr. Kenny

p.s. we are now just 1 week away from the website going live for the ‘Unwrapping The Gift of ADD’ program. To be sure to get the opportunity to take part in this revolutionary and never-before-done event, enter your name and email above to be on our VIP notification list (if you’ve already signed up, or received our free report Find The Genius in ADD, there is no need to sign up again).

Technorati Tags: ADD, ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, Gift of ADD, Gift of ADHD