On Wednesday April 2, 2008, I was interviewed on CKTB with host Laurie Walsh. She asked me to clarify how ADD/ADHD is a gift.
I answered her in 7 minutes and 29 seconds.
…and I’m able to share that interview with you right here.
Just click on the ‘plus’ sign below, and you’ll start to hear this radio [...]

On Wednesday April 2, 2008, I was interviewed on CKTB with host Laurie Walsh. She asked me to clarify how ADD/ADHD is a gift.

I answered her in 7 minutes and 29 seconds.

…and I’m able to share that interview with you right here.

Just click on the ‘plus’ sign below, and you’ll start to hear this radio interview:

Download Link


Dr. Kenny

p.s. Remember - get your copy of Find The Genius In ADD here, and let people know about it!

p.p.s. Join the conversation about this new view of ADD - right here

p.p.p.s. If you want to hear more more of my ‘ADHD Talk Radio’ interviews, just click over here to my blog (and scroll down to hear ADHD Talk Radio)