The FREE special report that Dr. Edward Hallowell and I (Dr. Kenny Handelman) released today has had more than 1100 downloads in just a few hours.
…and the best part from my perspective - is that people are telling their friends and family to go get a copy!
This is exactly what we wanted…
For the message [...]

The FREE special report that Dr. Edward Hallowell and I (Dr. Kenny Handelman) released today has had more than 1100 downloads in just a few hours.

…and the best part from my perspective - is that people are telling their friends and family to go get a copy!

This is exactly what we wanted…

For the message to get out in a BIG way that:

* there’s genius in ADD

* ADD can be a gift - it is just difficult to unwrap

* the system needs changing (to a ’strength based’ approach to ADD and ADHD)

(If you’ve landed here without getting your hands on this breakthrough new report yet, click through here to get your hands on it right away: Find the Genius in ADD)

In order to have a big impact on the world of ADD and ADHD - we need your input.

Please use this blog to share your thoughts, experiences and impressions.

Please scroll down to the comment box below and share your thoughts about:

* Do you think there’s genius in ADD? Can you share an example?

* Do you have great experiences with the ’strength based’ approach to ADD?

* Have you WISHED you could get the strength based approach (i.e. you were upset by a negative approach to ADD)?

* Any comments you want to share about our special report?

Thanks for ‘joining the conversation’. Every comment will be approved before it hits the blog (this just protects all of us from SPAM comments for inappropriate things) - so have a little patience

…and watch your email for more updates

… we will be giving away more free information and training in the coming days and weeks.

Dr. Kenny

p.s. just share your comments in the box below to ‘join the conversation’

Technorati Tags: ADD, ADHD, Genius