My guest today is my friend Brian Norton, the Chief Operations Officer of MEW (MyEtherWallet). MyEtherWallet (MEW) is an open-source, client-side interface that allows users to interact directly with the Ethereum blockchain, without having to join a centralized exchange. One of the first such interfaces of its kind, MEW allows users to create and unlock wallets, interact with popular hardware wallets such as Trezor and Ledger, send transactions, interact with contracts, swap tokens, and interact with dApps. Things you can do with MEW: create your own unique Ethereum wallet, send and receive ETH and tokens, explore theirDApp store where users can earn on their deposits with Aave, open a vault with MakerDAO, or register and manage your ENS domains and deploy and interact with smart contracts. Brian has a background in operations, digital content development, and brand strategy. He specializes in keeping organizations on deadline and in touch with their target audiences. He has built years of start-up operational management experience in industries across the tech space, including edu-tech, industrial automation, and now blockchain. Brian’s work at MEW is driven by the idea that blockchain technologies, designed for everyday life, will change the way we live for the better in ways we can not yet imagine. The major topics in our conversation include: the growth and evolution of Ethereum and the ETH community, Proof of Stake and Layer 2 scaling solutions, Ethereum as the Cultural Asset Layer, the future is multichain, and much more. We begin our conversation by discussing the evolution and growth of Ethereum and ETH community. Brian does an excellent explaining how Ethereum’s finding product market fit and how Ethereum fits within the broader crypto landscape. He also discusses how the ETH community is growing at an exponential rate. Our conversation transitions to scaling the Ethereum network and the role of Layer 2s. Brian breaks down how Layer 2 and Proof of Stake will help scale the Ethereum network to enable global adoption. Brian discusses how projects like Polygon are providing users with a fast and cheap way of transacting but sacrificing some security and decentralization to lower the transaction costs. The next topic we discussed is the history and growth of MyEtherWallet and their tireless support for Ethereum since the inception of the project. We also discuss how Ethereum is becoming the base layer for Cultural Assets. Brain shares how he predicted the rise of NFTs and the proliferation of Culture and Art on Ethereum. We discuss how ETH is beginning to become ubiquitous within the sectors of society that are concerned with Culture and the Arts and what that means for the future of the Creator Economy. A major talking point of our conversation were the 5 spokes of life and how Web3 enables humans to scale these spokes much easier. We discuss the importance of Family, Finance, Friends, Faith, Fitness. One of our final conversation topics was the reality we are headed to a multichain world and what is Ethereum’s role within the broader blockchain ecosystem. Brain firmly believes ETH will be the settlement-layer for smart contract blockchains that enables the proliferation of Finance to Culture on the Blockchain. Please enjoy my conversation with Brian Norton, the Chief Operations Officer of MEW.



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