It seems almost unfathomable, but this past week would’ve been George Harrison’s 78th birthday, almost 20 years after his body exited the material world. In honor of that melancholy milestone, Tony & T.J. do a deep dish into his last album of new material, 2002’s Brainwashed; much of which was recorded as George knew he was dying. It’s a poignant, beautiful record, which gets its proper due here, but of course doesn’t stop the Untitled Duo from their usual insane diversions; including, but not limited to:

The not-so Quiet Beatle taking on those perpetual #prannies, Oasis
Thinkin' about girls at church 
The Grammys' favorite band (and #prannies favorite band, too): Toto
And, a hot take on blues legend Robert Cray: COVID denier? (Disclaimer: he’s not. Unless he is. Oh shit is he?) 


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