At the holidays, we are often reminded of loved ones who have passed. Where are they now? Was their crossing over easy? Are they okay? We are honored to introduce to you our Special Guest, Eve Alton, on Friday, December 13, 2019, 12:00pm AZ time. Eve is a retired pediatric hospice nurse (14 years). Prior to this she was a pediatric oncology nurse for about 35 years. She spent the better part of her adult life in the field of death and dying. In her words: “I was privileged to learn how to live in the present from the beautiful souls I cared for and helped into their next journey. I realized at a young age I was able to see, hear and talk to people who had passed. As I developed this it was tantamount to helping my patients and families find peace and comfort on their journey. Having had a number of near death experiences of my own over the years, it helped me to give comfort and answer questions of patients and families."

Do you have a mystical or paranormal story to share, but no one to share it with? Call in and have your voice heard LIVE by others of like-mind and like-heart. You are not alone. You, and other special guests, from all walks of life and every nationality, will share extraordinary mystical and paranormal experiences, including angel visitations, near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences, past life remembrances, final moments with loved ones, and so much more. Remarkable evidence of life beyond death and our infinite connection to it ALL! Co-hosted by Summer Bacon and Liz Johnson