"The sustained influence of an abusive leadership structure sinks its tentacles very deep, and you are not extracted from it without great harm." - Bo Pritchard

Bo Pritchard continues to share his story with the Untangled Faith podcast. This is the fourth part of this story. You can catch them all by starting with episode 103 here: Untangled Faith: Recovering From Spiritual Abuse (pod.link)

Episodes you might enjoy:

Colby and Kat Wilkins’ Story – Untangled Faith Podcast

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This podcast is sponsored by Faithful Counseling. For more information and for 10% off your first month, visit Faithful Counseling- https://faithfulcounseling.com/untangled

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Host/Creator: Amy Fritz


Michele Pjanic

Phil and Susan Perdue

Pam Forsythe

Chelle Taylor