In today's episode I talk with Ed Wassef and he shares his very powerful story of addiction and recovery. Ed found his solution to the disease of food addiction by committing to three pertinent things. He lives and works a daily 12 step program, follows an abstinent food plan and connects every day with like minded individuals. Ed began his program from food addiction in late 2016 but only through the  acceptance of his disease has he been able to achieve over 1 year of abstinence from his drug foods.  In that time, he has been able to deal with the challenges of life while vastly improving relationships with others. Not only has Ed  dropped his old limiting beliefs, he has also dropped 150 lbs along the way.  Ed’s journey of recovery has lead him to learning who he is and onto the path of discovering his purpose. He has found purpose in sharing his story, especially reaching those who connect with a similar past. Ed’s trauma, grief and depression caused him to seek help from various professionals yet all were unsuccessful . Only by facing his food addiction and working his program has he healed from his past and the addiction that led him to a peak weight of over 500 pounds.

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