Topics for this episode:

* [ ] Hacking Team Hacked, show which oppressive governments bought their software
* [ ] No exploits for non-jailbroken iPhone
* [ ] The FBI spent 775K on Hacking Team software
* [ ] Citi creating a digital currency, called Citicoin
* [ ] Clinton attacking China on hacking, “Said they’re trying to hack into everything that doesn’t move.”
* [ ] Eric Holder suggests that Snowden had a positive impact, and that an agreement could be reached
* [ ] Critical bug in node.js patched that could lead to DoS
* [ ] MasterCard looking to do facial scanning to authenticate purchases
* [ ] FBI is offering 4.3 million for help finding top hackers
* [ ] A petition for Ellen Pao to leave Reddit has topped 150K signatures


* The intro track is from one of my favorite EDM artists: Zomby. The song is ‘Orion’, and it’s from the ‘With Love’ album. Highly recommended if you like chill EDM.

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