Todays guest is Erica. Erica is a mumma of three and she is sharing her story of her youngest son Noah - his open heart surgery at one month old as well as his diagnosis of Downs Syndrome.

Noah's diagnosis was a shock to Erica and she shares what came up for her to process - the shock of a medical diagnosis, the pain of her family picture and plan not turning out how she imagined, the guilt and shame she felt when she was faced with sin in her heart and her perception of suffering and disability.

This is a beautiful story of one families journey in trusting God more, being comforted by his word and seeing his love and care in the big and small moments of their story.

Erica and Matt are part of the 139 collective - a network of Christian parents of children with disabilities, connecting together to support and inspire one another in their faith and parenting. You can learn more about them at

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