In this episode we chat to Chloe. Chloe is a mum of two boys and is navigating parenting with a completely different approach to how she grew up.

Chloe was raised in a home that used the bible and God as a weapon against her, and she believed that God was an angry God who she would never be good enough for.

Through all this, she still had a deep love for God and his people, and would do anything it took to be at church.

She now realises that when God sees her, he sees Jesus. She knows there is nothing she can do to earn her salvation, but accept the gift God offers.

She shares how one of her sons has autism and ADHD, and how this is a challenge to her parenting style, but also how she has a deep desire to love him well and foster the gifts God has given her son, challenges and all.

Chloe reminds us that though we feel like we need to be perfect, God doesn't require us to be. His grace is sufficient and his mercies are new every morning.

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