Today's episode is crazy good IF you are interested in figuring out how to get more visibility for your  business.  That's most of us, right?


Lorraine Ball from Digital Toolbox is my guest and is going through a checklist of things to consider when you want to rank higher in SEO and have Google become your BFF.


What I didn't understand is that the SEO game has changed significantly over the years so there are a lot of misinformation floating around out there. Lorraine breaks it down and gives us several easy and actionable things we can do to increase our visibility right away.


Don't just listen to this one, my friends!  Take notes and make sure you implement the pearls of wisdom that Lorraine shares with us in this episode.


One of the things you will hear from Lorraine is that it is critical to create content on a regular basis.  I want to share with you an awesome resource that I have created that has helped my clients create content twice as fast with twice the results.  Go to to take advantage of this free resource.