Today's episode is about using the Cascade Launch method to squeeze the maximum value from one product and make more money. We will go through the five questions that will help you apply this powerful launch method, so you can create a solid sequence that makes sense to you and your audience in a consistent and organized way. 

What You Will Learn In This Episode:

- It is essential to have a clear vision of our business' driving force

- About the importance to think about where our audience might think our offer is coming short

- How we can establish a well thought down-sale offer that offers real value to our audience

- Why it is crucial in the Cascade Launch method to close a cycle before starting a new one

- What are the advantages of revisiting our audience with the down-sale offer

No one likes to be sold all the time, so one of the better ways to avoid creating this feeling in our audience is by creating pure value for them. We can alternate offers with free, valuable content in your social media and then, using the Cascade Launch method, revisit your peers with the down-sell offer, inviting them to either buy or apply. 


- Episode 056 The 3 Best 6-Figure Launches for 2022 

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