At the beginning of my journey as a coach, I used to get nervous before every session with a client. Even though they were getting results and transforming their lives, I felt something was missing. It took me some time to realise the best way of supporting my clients was to focus on three things. In this episode, I'll be sharing how to ensure your clients experience breakthroughs, help them get measurable results and what is in your power to ensure a client's transformation. 

What You Will Learn In This Episode:

- What is a breakthrough and how we can celebrate or challenge our clients to help them experience one

- What is a powerful question and how it can help our clients experience a breakthrough

- How results can help us keep our clients motivated

- Why transformation only occurs when we coach toward a vision rather than meeting needs

Once we learn how to help our clients get breakthroughs or reach a-ha moments, we'll be closer to ensuring our coachees' success. It is also crucial to learn how and when to measure results to motivate our clients. A transformation results from aligning our business with who we are and our core values, not the consequence of meeting needs.


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