Welcome to Unstoppable REI Wealth, where we explore the world of real estate investing. In this episode, we dive into the importance of surrounding oneself with knowledgeable individuals in real estate and the value of seeking out helpful resources and guidance. Our guest, Jenna Hoover, a real estate investing entrepreneur, shares her journey of starting, growing, and scaling a successful real estate investing business. Jenna emphasizes the importance of tenacity and not giving up when faced with challenges, and shares her insights on branding, coaching, and working with real estate software companies.


The podcast highlights the journey of successful real estate entrepreneurs and the challenges and opportunities that come with it.


So, if you want to learn how to succeed in the real estate industry, join us on Unstoppable REI Wealth. Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights and knowledge from the experts in the field. Listen now to this episode and start your journey to unstoppable wealth in real estate!


- Interview with real estate investor

- Importance of tenacity and not giving up

- Success despite challenging circumstances

- Starting with no money and using creative financing

- Having a bigger cause as a driving force

- Investing in real estate without prior knowledge

- Importance of not over-improving houses

- Importance of branding oneself

- Real estate software for finding and managing leads

- Mentoring as an alternative to software

- Investing in marketing

- Setting oneself apart from competitors

- Career growth and setting bigger goals

- Importance of believing in oneself

- Setbacks and failures as opportunities for growth

- Surrounding oneself with knowledgeable individuals

- Giving back and helping others



[0:0:20] Discover how to unlock the ultimate potential of your financial future with Unstoppable REI's proven strategies for creating unstoppable profits through real estate investment!

[0:1:12] Through both triumphant and trying moments, life's experiences play an integral role in fostering personal growth - enabling us to rise above any lingering regrets.

[0:3:37] Jenna Hoover, a single mom, courageously pursued her dream of investing in real estate ten years ago with no prior experience – and despite a tumultuous divorce – triumphed to create a flourishing business.

[0:5:50] Without a penny to her name, she was determined to make something of herself – leveraging every opportunity and borrowing from loved ones to invest in her future – and become a successful provider for her beloved child.

[0:5:50] Jenna is an ambitious independent contractor, eagerly striving to reach her goals and develop long-term plans to benefit the company.

[0:8:46] Discover how lucrative it can be to invest in distressed areas with motivated sellers – without the intense competition!

[0:8:46] By strategically branding yourself and avoiding costly mistakes, you can establish credibility and attract quality buyers to your over-improved properties.

[0:18:3] Fueled by her passionate commitment to success, real estate entrepreneur Billy Alvaro has skyrocketed to fame after early branding efforts, leading to multiple offers from TV producers and now focusing on other lucrative real estate ventures.

[0:21:30] By utilizing strategic networking and cultivating a powerful personal brand, you can dramatically increase your chances of being noticed by a major network like HGTV!

[0:22:12] By investing in marketing, savvy real estate professionals have seen a remarkable return on their investment – often yielding extraordinary profits.

[0:27:49] After making a dramatic life-altering transition from a life of opulence to one of deprivation, a determined individual can take charge of their future and find success through sheer grit and perseverance.

[0:38:16] By facilitating effortless communication, businesses can experience a dramatic boost in collaboration and output.


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