Chris Reynolds is an entrepreneur with an interesting life story. He made a lot of money, then lost it, then started all over again in a different path. He went travelling to third world countries, and on more than one occasion figured out causes important to the locals and then created projects and raised money to promote those causes.

It might be easier than you may think - he’ll share all the details here.

These days, Chris is still changing lives. He runs a business called “The Entrepreneur house”. He basically rents big houses in cool cities around the world, and invites online entrepreneurs to come live with each other. In doing so, he creates a tribe - a community with a great sense of belonging - for people who usually have a pretty lonely work life.

Chris is inspiring to listen to, if only because everything he does seems so simple and yet so impactful on people’s lives. 

If you were ever interested in starting a charity or a business that really makes the world a slightly better place - you’ll enjoy this podcast.