In this episode we have Chris Manak.


Chris is one of Australia's leading dating coaches. He’s been featured all over Australian TV and Radio. He’s also a good friend of mine.


Chris is the best dating coach I’ve ever met.. and I did meet many back when I was a dating coach.


I actually paid Chris to coach me once when I was recovering from a break up, and I was down in the dumps. We get to that story in this podcast.


Unlike the perception many people may have of dating coaches, Chris is the opposite of sleazy - he’s very genuine, charming and honest.


He doesn’t teach his clients how to manipulate people. Instead, he just helps them by showing them the road to self improvement is hard - but achievable.


Chris is a no bullshit kind of guy - he has unique, simple and intuitive ideas he got from meeting thousands of women and coaching hundreds of guys.


In this episode we nerd about men’s dating, and riff on many, many other things.
We talk about:

The most common issues guys face The real reason why girls don’t text back How your feelings about sex completely change your interactions with women Why it’s better to fumble in conversations than to be smooth And a LOT more


I hope you enjoy it!