Previous Episode: S1E06&07 The Pack/Angel

We have a  special guest star on the show this week! Owen joins us to talk about the most ridiculous hour of television that ever happened. Buffy goes full insanity here. We have, in no particular order: Buffy's ridiculous outfits. Seriously it looks like she made them out of curtains. Who thought that cheap velvet was a good idea? Techno-pagans, which are witches who use the internet. Demons catfishing Willow. "I'm jacked in!" Giles (maybe?) getting his dick wet. Typed suicide notes. Scanning all the books in the library into the computers. The best cosplay ever. But honestly, as terrifyingly weird and poorly-though out this episode was, we had a splendid time recording this.  Have a listen guys- they tell me this is rock bottom. God I hope so.