Today’s episode was not really planned but in light of this week’s overturn of the Roe v Wade decision by the SCOTUS and in light of the many DMs I’ve been having with parents and women, I decided to put into words some of my thoughts.

This episode is not about whether the decision was right or wrong, my opinion on this is irrelevant to the discussion. This episode is about understanding the decision from a slightly different perspective, as it pertains to where we are as a society and what we can do about it.

I know this episode may ruffle some feathers, and if you are triggered by it - I extend compassion to you, I see your pain, and I hope we can have a conversation sometime.

The way I see this decision and how it reflects on where we are as a country, only strengthens my resolve to continue my own personal work as well as the work I do with all my clients - parents or non parents - to further our own awareness, our own consciousness and our own healing. 


Reach out to me on [email protected] if you want my help in becoming the parent you want to be.

If you're tired of having to either bribe your kids into doing something or threaten to take something away unless they listen - I have something for you. What if a simple shift in what you're doing FIRST to address your children's challenging behavior could be the change you've been looking for? Make parenting easier by implementing this simple step that will help you bring ease and harmony into your family, and create cooperation, connection and engagement with your kids naturally, no bribes or threats required.

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