Why Is Unschooling A Good Idea?

Everyone's "Why?" is a little different.
Sure, when we hear some people's reasons to unschool, we quickly think,
"Yeah! I agree with that one!"

But back up a little more.

What's YOUR reason to do this?
Why did you choose to take such an unconventional approach?
Why, when most people go left, you chose to go to the right?
It certainly would have been easier to go with the flow and do what everyone else is doing... but something pushed you. And I want you to think about what it is/was.

There are as many reasons for unschooling as there are families who make this choice. Home education, in general, offers freedom along with responsibility - freedom to make our own decisions regarding how we wish our children to live and learn. Whatever initially leads parents to make this choice, it nearly always evolves into something far more than an alternative educational choice - it becomes a lifestyle choice of personal responsibility and freedom and incredible joy. Many families find unschooling is a natural step in this direction.

Like so many others, we unschool because we caught a vision of what learning and living without schooling could be like, decided to take the risk, and found out for ourselves that we loved it. The benefits are apparent to us as we look at our children, and we experience great joy seeing the love of learning and life so vibrant and alive in them.

That doesn't mean we don't have rough days. Days when we're a little tired, we have a short fuse, and things just aren't going as planned. Kids can be fussy, and we can be grumpy.

Why Are You Unschooling?

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