Parents want to know what to do when their kids are only interested in playing make-believe or pretend play with their toys. They wonder when the "Real Learning" is going to start.

Sue Patterson, Unschooling Mom2Mom, answers parents by sharing the subjects that are often weaving throughout this imaginative playtime.  Kids really are hard-wired to learn, but we may need a little help SEEING what's going on under the surface.

Get more help from Sue and see the learning that's happening throughout your child's day:

Join the Creating Confidence Membership Group
In addition to coaching calls where we talk about this (and other questions parents have) , our private membership portal offers more resources to help you reframe the way you're seeing learning.

1:1 Coaching with Sue Patterson
Maybe groups aren't your thing - or you just can't fit it into your schedule! We can set up a coaching call to conquer your fears!

Jumping Into Unschooling
Maybe you'd like a systematic approach to creating a strong unschooling foundation.
This is the course for you!

This Podcast (with the graphic Sue refers to,) is here.


Reach out if you need help figuring out how unschooling can work for your family!
You don't have to do this alone!

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Creating Confidence Membership Group
Podcast listeners can join without the sign up fee - so use this link! Jumping Into Unschooling Course (for new unschoolers) Math WITHOUT Curriculum Course (for those worrying about unschooling math!) Private 1:1 Coaching with Sue