Are you telling yourself that homeschooling/unschooling would be too hard for you?
Are you listing out all the reasons it might not be a good idea?

Sue Patterson shares 5 reasons TO homeschool your kids - especially in the unschooling way!

If this inspires you, reach out for more resources! You don't have to do this alone!

1:1 Coaching with Sue Patterson

Creating Confidence Membership (Sue's Group Coaching program)

Jumping Into Unschooling Course


Reach out if you need help figuring out how unschooling can work for your family!
You don't have to do this alone!

Creating Confidence Membership Group (Group Coaching)
Podcast listeners can join without the sign up fee - so use this link! Jumping Into Unschooling Course (for new unschoolers) Math WITHOUT Curriculum Course (for those worrying about unschooling math!) Private 1:1 Coaching with Sue

Free Email List with weekly unschooling resources