With Halloween a week away, this episode of the Unschooling Mom2Mom Podcast is all about some of the issues that might pop up for us, like:

Candy consumptionBig Kids trick-or-treatingCriticism from people who don't like how we want to do things

If you hop over to the website, you'll see the transcript but also a collection from other unschooling parents: 

Halloween MoviesHalloween BooksLink for Pinterest activities

And if you need to surround yourself with other parents who are stepping away from the status quo, you can always hop into my Creating Confidence Membership group! And as a podcast listener, you don't have to pay the $99 sign-up fee! Woohoo! Win-win!


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Creating Confidence Membership Group
Podcast listeners can join without the sign up fee - so use this link! Jumping Into Unschooling Course (for new unschoolers) Math WITHOUT Curriculum Course (for those worrying about unschooling math!) Private 1:1 Coaching with Sue
