Are you new to unschooling?
Or maybe you are moving from more traditional homeschooling to unschooling?

You may have lessons that you need to UNLearn so you can embrace this educational option.
After 25 years of talking with other parents, I've heard the obstacles that get in our way.  Often self-inflicted!!!

Unschooling Resources:
Creating Confidence Membership

Jumping Into Unschooling Course
Perfect to create a solid unschooling foundation

Private Coaching Call with Sue

Go to the website to see all the resources associated with each of the 10 Lessons you need to unlearn! 


Reach out if you need help figuring out how unschooling can work for your family!
You don't have to do this alone!

Creating Confidence Membership Group (Group Coaching)
Podcast listeners can join without the sign up fee - so use this link! Jumping Into Unschooling Course (for new unschoolers) Math WITHOUT Curriculum Course (for those worrying about unschooling math!) Private 1:1 Coaching with Sue

Free Email List with weekly unschooling resources