Four Childless Women Walk Into a Bar... Actually, we're at my house, which can sometimes look like a bar. And all four of us are childless. Ranging from 34 to 51, we're all at different stages of our childless journeys. and we all come from very different backgrounds culturally. 

Obviously you know my Italian culture, Mariecris is 38, Phillipino, she’s currently engaged and has been married once before, and there’s a lot of cultural pressure in her community for women to have babies and grow big families. Mariecris is the first to admit, however, that she’s done a lot of personal development work so she hasn’t let that pressure influence her. But she does want kids, so she’s currently starting IVF. 

Lauren’s family is the complete opposite - she was always told she could do whatever felt right. Lauren is 34, she’s married and, at the moment, she’s still undecided, but knows that she’s starting to get to the pointy end of her fertility so she wants to make a decision soon so she can either go for it, or go on with her life and not give it any more thought. 

Laura is 42, a British emigree, she’s currently single, and, wow, she probably got more pressure from her mother to NOT have children. Laura is a world nomad, having lived in seven countries throughout her life and is currently in Australia. 

I really hope that by listening to four women, all at different stages of our lives, you get some clarity, and firmly feel that you are not alone. That your thoughts are more common than you think.

PS. There were four of us sharing two microphones so the sound can sometimes get a bit iffy. Sorry.

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Sound engineering and original music by Jeff Willis. You can find his tunes on Spotify and iTunes

Produced by Jo Vraca