Welcome to (un)Ripe. We're a juicy community of Australian-based women who are either childfree by choice or childless by circumstance. In this episode you'll meet Jo and her guest host. We'll tell you a little about ourselves and the (un)Ripe project.  unRipe is a vibrant, supportive community created for and by childless and childfree women who are anything but unRipe. A community where we can tell our stories, speak our truths, build advocacy, and find our purpose and meaning when it is not defined by for us through the role of motherhood.

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Private Group: @unripecommunitygroup - https://www.facebook.com/groups/unripecommunitygroup
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/unripecommunity
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Sound engineering and original music by Jeff Willis. You can find his tunes on Spotify and iTunes