When you think of the term “spinster”, what comes to mind? Old, Sad, Crazy Cat Lady, Lonely, Bitter. 

“That old-maid myth is garbage.” Diane Keaton has said, and judging by the spinsters that surround us, she’s pretty right.

It’s 2021, and the word Spinster should really hold not more negative power as, say, yellow or plant, hair, phone, single. Seriously you guys, why does this word still bring to mind all of the negative connotations for decade, centuries gone by?

But in previous centuries, a spinster was something entirely different. 

In this episode, I speak with author, Donna Ward about her book: “She I Dare Not Name - A Spinster’s Meditations on Life”.

Her memoir about the single life and living alone in a world made for couples and families. Donna explores the meaning and purpose she has discovered in a life lived entirely without a partner and children.

 I also talk about the Virgin Queen, Elizabeth I, Jennifer Aniston, and where the word Spinster comes from.

Donna Ward’s "She I Dare Not Name: A Spinster’s Meditations on Life" is published by Allen & Unwin and is available wherever you buy books, including on Kindle.

You can find Donna at: www.donna-ward.com.au

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Sound engineering and original music by Jeff Willis. You can find his tunes on Spotify and iTunes

Produced by Jo Vraca