Let's talk about our families. We’re going to talk about families and the relationships we have with them as childless adults. What are those family occasions that hurt because we're childless at events that focus on families and children?

(Please excuse the sound in parts of this episode. We had a few tech issues!)

Statistics: We talk about household sizes over time.

Our guest this week shares her childless story that includes chronic illness, IVF, marrying into a large family and her healing career.

In Shit that comes in our Feed we bring good news about magazines that are publishing articles about women who are living childfree and childless lives.

And don't forget our question of the week! 

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List of resources and articles we referenced in the episode

Sally Liston - Omni Wellness: https://omniwellness.com.au/about/

NZ household sizes: https://bit.ly/32sW5mX

NZ fertility rates: https://bit.ly/33oipgQ

Australian household sizes: https://bit.ly/2Fv7oSG

Australian fertility rates: https://bit.ly/3mlLMbZ

Childless couples: https://bit.ly/3k7VL2W

The Ancient Greeks! YES!: https://bit.ly/2Fkbz41

And in Ancient Rome: https://bit.ly/33vAOZ6

Not having kids is nothing new: https://wapo.st/3iDmeVS

China's baby policy  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-child_policy

Australia's baby bonus: https://bit.ly/2RpOYFx

The Guardian Childfree series: https://bit.ly/3c1giU8

SheDefined childfree series: https://bit.ly/3mmseo3

Sound engineering and original music by Jeff Willis. You can find his tunes on Spotify and iTunes