Welcome to Unreliabrain! We usually dredge up nostalgic movies from deep within where our memories have buried them - Steven and Mick usually go back to back trying to get closest to remembering the actual plot synopsis of a film. But not today!

In this special bonus series, we try to predict ALL of Dumbledore's potential secrets before the upcoming film Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore!

Follow us for updates on our journey: https://twitter.com/unreliabrain



Official lyrics to the Harry Potter theme so you can sing along to the intro: 

Welcome tooo a magical pooOdcast with wizards and witches, where snitches get stitches from two magic fellows of brawn and brain, of which is which? Don't refrain..from asking me, I'll tell you so! The secrets of DUMB...ledore -- you're out to know! 


We dredge up nostalgic movies from deep within where our memories have buried them - Steven Zavala and Mick Brege go back to back trying to get closest to remembering the actual plot synopsis of a film. 

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