Canada’s most populous province has introduced vaccine passports. Despite initially refusing to introduce them, Ontario has reluctantly jumped on board. Will it make a difference?

Quebec initiated the idea to allow those double vaccinated to access non-essential services and events, like restaurants, concerts and sporting events. When you look at the polls on vaccine mandates, vaccine passports and mandatory vaccinations, the majority of vaccinated Canadians support their use. While Covid can breakthrough those who are double vaccinated, 9 in 10 Covid-patients in hospitals now are unvaccinated. 

During the federal election campaign, the Liberals promised to make vaccines mandatory for federal workers and those under federal regulations. There are some exemptions, such as children under 12 who don’t currently qualify, and those with an allergy to the ingredients are exempt. 

Our question asked:

Do you support the use of mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports in Canada?

Our audience responded: 

Yes = 8.2%No = 91.6%Unsure = 0.3%

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Alison Braley-Rattai, Assistant Professor Labour Studies at Brock University @alisonbraleySueling Ching, President & CEO of the Ottawa Board of TradeJack Jedwab, President and CEO Association of Canadian Studies @JackJedwab