The leaves are bursting from their buds. Early season flowers are starting to bloom, and in the minds of some Canadians, it is time for a spring federal election. Will we see one?

Canada remains in the grip of the 3 rd wave of the pandemic as case numbers rise and lockdowns become the norm. We haven’t been to the polls as a nation since 2019 when the Liberals scored a minority government. Since then, the pandemic has swamped our consciousness.

There are rumblings across the country about a possible spring election. We will see a federal budget on April 17th which will be a confidence vote. The Grits have been propped up by the NDP so it will be interesting to see which side of the budget they land.

Recent polls have put the Liberals as much as seven points ahead of the Conservatives if an election is called. Some might see an election call as being “opportunistic “.


Tonight’s Guests:

1. Stephanie Plante, The Centre for Security, Intelligence and Defence Studies;

Carleton University

2. Karl Nerenberg, Parliament Hill Reporter for

3. Tom Parkin, Columnist and Commentator


The poll question this week asked: Do you want a federal election this

spring? Our audience response so far:

34.5% = Yes

60.0% = No

03.8% = Maybe

01.7% = Unsure

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